Sunday, December 4, 2011

Forensics: Handwriting Analysis

The use of handwriting has been used by investigators for many different cases. In 1611, Prospero Alorisio's manuscript was the first book to analyze handwriting. Later on, in 1976, the Council of Graphological Societies formed from the unification of the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation and the American Association of Handwriting Analysis.

Characteristics of Handwriting:

1. Line Quality- Do the letters flow or are they deliberately written?
2. Spacing of Words and Letters- What is the average space between words and letters?
3. Ratio of Height, Width, and Size of Letters- Are these consistent throughout document?
4. Lifting of the Writing Instrument- Is the instrument lifted to form a new letter/word, or does it stay on the page?
5. Connecting  of Strokes- Are the capital and lower case letters conected?
6. Stroke From Beginning to End- Where does the individual letter begin and end?
7. Usual Letter Formation- Are the letters written in unique ways/ formats?
8. Pressure- What is the ratio of pressure to upward and downward strokes?
9. Slant- Do the letters slant to the left, right, or not at all?
10. Baseline Habits- Is the writing on, below, or above the line?
11. Fancy Writing Habits- Are there noticable curls or loops?
12. Placement of Diacritics- Where does the writer cross the t's or dot the i's?

Famous Forged Case:
In the 1920's the Oliver Will case was tried in White Plains, New York where the question about a date on which a will was written. The top of the form of which the title and date were supposed to be had been torn off. There were two possible dates of which the form was created; January 8, 1924, or October 8, 1924. The date of the alleged will was September 20, 1924. Upon examination it was discovered that in tearing away of the dated portion of the form, the tail of the comma in the address was still visible. The position on the paper of that comma tail proved that the form could not have been the January 8th form. Therefor they were able to prove the will was forged.

For the lab we were supposed to write an statement for in print and cursive and pass it to a partner. Then our partner was to observe our writing and try to forge it. The purpose of the assignment was to see how forgery is observed by crime scene officials. It can be used for suicide notes, kidnapping notes, forged checks, etc. . .


  1. Very neat & great info! The photos go well with the post. Good job!

  2. I concur with Sumny's post. Well done Starr.
